Tattoo making is a tradition as well as modern fad in the Indian society. At times people get these tattoos made which later become incompatible with their social and professional life. At Shanti Skin Hospital we use advanced Q- switched NdYAG Laser for removal of these tattoo marks with minimal or no scarring. Laser assisted tattoo removal is a multiple sitting procedure and on an average 4 6 sittings are required at monthly interval for adequate result. Green and red color are resistant to Lasers and tattoo made in these color are difficult to remove. For those patients who need to get their tattoo removed on an urgent basis and do not have time for multiple sittings, we do dermabrasion followed by split thickness skin grafting. By this method tattoo is removed within two weeks with the healing of skin.
We use Most advance PICO Q Switched NADYAG LASER